When Mr. Egg was born, he wasn't quite your typical egg. He didn't really fit in with the other eggs, and as he grew older, Mr. Egg began to think he belonged somewhere else. He was somewhat clumsy, which resulted in a few bumps to form on his shell. He was also quite larger than the other eggs. When the other eggs made fun of him, he simply replied, "I'm just big- shelled!"
One day while at the grocery store, Mr. Egg was gloomily pushing around his shopping cart and grabbing his usual items.
When he turned down an aisle, Mr. Egg noticed lots of light bulbs and various LED lights. He thought life might be a fun if only he could light himself up like a light. "Lights are useful, and bright, and you can always find your way around even in the dark", he thought to himself. This idea didn't last long, considering Mr. Egg would have to lose a lot of weight to fit into any kind of light, and since he worried all that working out would make him overheat and scramble..."There must be something else", he exclaimed!
Moving further down the aisle, he kept looking at all the other food items and wondering where he would fit in. "Cereal? but I've no box...Toothbrush? Hmm, I'm too big...Ice cream? Brrr, that's too cold!...Soup? Not with this shell!", Mr. Egg wondered.
A large group of people were rummaging around in a big box. Mr. Egg moved in closer to see what the commotion was about. Staring up at a box full of pumpkins and gourds, he realized they were big and bumpy too. "What if I could be just like them, like a pumpkin?", he thought to himself. "I'm already just about the same color as one...hmmm". He rushed off to the aisle with permanent markers, and quickly went to work. Then he rushed back to the box of pumpkins, and jumped inside.
"I think it's time for a new adventure!"he said, and so now you know the story of how Mr. Egg became Mr. Pumpkin formerly known as Mr. Egg.
"I think it's time for a new adventure!"he said, and so now you know the story of how Mr. Egg became Mr. Pumpkin formerly known as Mr. Egg.
So, after careful considerations, Mr. Egg decided that he would like to try life as a pumpkin. Well, life should be grand! That is...until he reincarnates life as a pumpkin pie! MMMMmmmmMMm, pie.
Picture of pie credited to: http://www.tonidunlap.com/pumpkin_pie.htm