Monday, December 15, 2008

Gorillas, Dickerdoodles, and a Blue Man oh my!

Hi guys, so I'm writing a last blog even though technically the semester is over. Just thought I'd congratulate everyone on their presentations! I really had a good time watching everyone share their projects, and wish we had even more time so we could have seen them all. It almost made me sad the class was ending...I really enjoyed the stop motion, the cigarette video, of course who could forget the blue man group, evan's guerilla heehee, among many others.

My idea ended up being about something called ACEO's (Art Card Editions & Originals). It struck me before leaving for classes that day it might be something interesting to share, and I wasn't sure if people knew what they were. They communicate an awful lot in a little space of 2.5 x 3.5 cards. There's emotions or feelings behind what's drawn, or it evokes it too. I like how almost anything can be done on them, from animals to people to fantasy art to digital art...and such variety too. They are a part of new media with the prints or even just the art itself especially since some is done digitally. I hope that all came across when I did my presentation hehe. I find them on Ebay and also mostly.

I feel like I learned a lot from this class. I am going to keep trying to improve. I think definitely with each new project I will try harder not to be afraid to fail or overanalyze too much, heh, that was probably my biggest problem as well as being too hard on myself...but at least that's something I can fix so maybe there is some hope for me yet. Well, I wish everyone a nice holiday and maybe see some of you around in the Spring!

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